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Product designations
Also for the tilers there are more and more regulations, which must be considered at work.
Non-compliance or non-observance can cause serious problems. Therefore it is essential to know the applicable standards and guidelines and to take them into account. In the following we have summarized the most important guidelines and standards.
From August 2023, all users of polyurethane (PUR) products must complete training on the continued safe use of the products prior to processing. What does this mean exactly and what role does it play in the processing of codex products?
We will be happy to explain it to you!
Where can I do the training?
The training for tilers (course 049) takes place via the online portal at and lasts approx. 60 minutes including 10 exam questions at the end. A personalized certificate, which serves as proof of the completed training, is available for download afterwards.
What are the costs for certification?
As a codex customer, you can participate in the online training free of charge. To do so, use the code when registering: FEICA_21_N12. If you have any further questions about certification, please contact us by e-mail at
You can find more information here:
People spend more and more time in buildings and interiors. As a result, the importance of the quality of indoor air and the emissions from the processed materials is constantly growing. Even the ingredients of the laying materials are decisive for healthy indoor air. Anyone looking for the greatest possible protection should use products that have been awarded with the EMICODE.
The EMICODE was introduced in 1997 by the GEV (German Association for the Control of Emissions in ) and since then classifies products according to their emission behaviour. Until today, it has developed into an international and product group-wide quality standard and, last but not least, promotes the continuous further development of the products. Products awarded the EMICODE are therefore solvent-free and very low in emissions.
The seal
In order to be awarded with the EMICODE® seal, manufacturers must undergo extensive testing of their products by recognized institutes. Based on scientifically determined measurement data, the products are classified into different emission categories.
The EMICODE is subdivided on the basis of the strictly defined GEV test method (emission test chamber) and
GEV classification criteria in the following 3 emission classes:
EMICODE EC 1 PLUS: Premium-class - Products achieve the highest limit values with stricter assessment like EC 1.
EMICODE EC 1: Standard-class - Very low emissions and meeting the highest environmental and health requirements.
EMICODE EC 2: Basic requirement- Low emission and fulfillment of the basic requirements for obtaining a seal.
codex ecoTec
Low emissions from start to finsih
Health and well-being are fundamental prerequisites for a high standard of living.
Pleasant indoor air in your home is of great importance for this purpose. codex has focused on this issue and launched a particularly low-emission product range on the market. These products have been tested and certified according to the high requirements of the GEV (German Association for the Control of Emissions in Products for Flooring Installation). From the primer to he adhesive until the grout, the new ecoTec product range is extremely environmentally friendly.
Feel good with codex ecoTec.
Real tilers need high-quality tiling products. Within the sector, codex is one of the few manufacturers of tile and natural stone installation products, that offers complete systems with certified EC 1 PLUS products. 90% of all laying work can be done with the products of the ecoTec series. This enables you to fully meet the ever-increasing demand for the use of ecological and low-emission products.
ecoTec quality products
The main products of the product line are:
- codex FG 340 - Schutzgrund
- codex FM 100 - Staubarme Fliesenspachtelmasse
- codex Hydrostop - Abdichtungs- und Entkopplungsbahn
- codex Power CX 7 - Leichter Multi-Flex-Mörtel
- codex Brillant Cristal - Schneller Farb-Fugenmörtel
Products identified by the German ‘Flexmortar-Standard’ (also called flex mortar diamond) are designated as flexible when they meet the C2 criteria of DIN EN 12004. This means, with all storage types they achieve a bond strength of ≥ 1.0 N/mm², and according to DIN EN 12002 a deformation of ≥ 2.5 mm is measured.
The characteristic feature of flex mortars is their ability of limited compensation of the substrate. Stress-relief of the floor covering may be necessary if significant deformation of the substrate can be expected.
Building products marked with the CE symbol were tested by an accredited test institute, are safe and meet the requirements of European standards. For example, tile bonding mortars are standardised according to DIN EN 12004. They bear the CE symbol on the packaging with the stated performances of the product.
Any product with the CE mark on the packaging shows a unique productrelated number in the CE block with the declared performances of the product. The key technical properties of the product are specified in the declaration of performance. The declarations of performance are stored specifically for the respective product at the homepage and can be viewed there.
Building products marked with the CE symbol were tested by an accredited test institute, are safe and meet the requirements of European standards. For example, tile bonding mortars are standardised according to DIN EN 12004. They bear the CE symbol on the packaging with the stated performances of the product.
Any product with the CE mark on the packaging shows a unique productrelated number in the CE block with the declared performances of the product.
The key technical properties of the product are specified in the declaration of performance. The declarations of performance are stored specifically for the respective product at the homepage and can be viewed there.
The German compliance mark (also abbreviated to Ü mark) indicates the usability of a building product in Germany. The Ü mark is evidence that the product in question meets national building inspectorate guidelines set forth by the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (German Institute for Building Technology, or DlBt) to prove certain product features. This applies to floor covering or wood flooring adhesives, for example, which have been subject to requirement for licensing for about five years in Germany if these products are intended for processing in common rooms. In the case of adhesives, certification is granted if certain requirements on emissions behaviour are demonstrated through an appropriate emissions test.
However, the DIBt’s long-standing practice is no longer permitted to additionally regulate building approval for products that have already been granted the CE label, as this was the case for floor coverings and wood flooring, for example. With the C-100/13 decision of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) of 16 October 2014, these national additional requirements for building products harmonised by European standards (CE-labelled) are no longer permitted. The requirement for the Ü mark for these types of products was thus dropped as of 16/10/2016.
The German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB e.V.) awards the quality seal for sustainable building in the context of Sustainable Building. The DGNB has developed a building certification system that fully assesses the building. It evaluates the ecological, sociocultural, and economic aspects of a building. In comparison to other building certification systems (LEED, BREEAM), the DGNB quality seal deals in-depth with the economics of a building. Structures can be awarded DGNB Platinum, Gold, or Silver depending on their total score reached.
As a result, building products must meet these specific criteria in order to be used at DGNB sitesThe impact of products on indoor air quality is of great concern to the DGNB. The products to be used can achieve one of four quality levels for this, whereby 1 is the lowest and 4 is the best level of quality. A life cycle assessment for the whole building is also prepared in the DGNB system. EPDs play a role in this.
LEED is an American building certification system that is used internationally. LEED stands for “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design”. The evaluation system sets standards for buildings that are top-performing in terms of ecology and socioculture.
Building products must meet certain requirements for VOC content and, since the last revision of the LEED system, indoor air quality. DThere are also requirements regarding the source and the proportion of recycled materials used.
Products that carry the “LEED contributing product” button on the packaging or product data sheet meet the VOC and indoor air quality requirements under LEED and are thus best suited for LEED projects.
BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is a building certification system that originally came from Great Britain, but which has since been implemented in many countries. The evaluation system provides a comprehensive examination of ecological and sociocultural aspects of the sustainability of buildings. Gebäude können dabei die BREEAM-Kriterien „erfüllt, gut, sehr gut, ausgezeichnet und hervorragend“ erfüllen.
BREEAM also imposes requirements on products that mainly concern indoor air quality. In addition, certain health-threatening substances may not be used in BREEAM projects.
The GISCODE is a German classification system for building products. GISCODE encompasses products from a certain group of materials that pose similar risks to the health of those who process them. This allows for simple, safe selection of protective measures required for the respective product. GISCODE is jointly supported by the Bau BG and concerned industry and trade associations. The user maintains a high level of safety despite the overall low cost of labelling.
Labelling is done independently by the manufacturer on safety data sheets, product containers, and technical fact sheets.
Common Giscode examples are
- Giscode D1 Solvent-free dispersion-based installation materials
- Giscode RE1 Solvent-free sensitising epoxy resin products
- Giscode ZP1 Low-chromate cement-based products
Das Steuerrad ist das EU-weit gültige Konformitätszeichen, das dem jeweiligen Produkt die Eignung zur Schiffsausrüstung bestätigt. Voraussetzung ist das Bestehen einer definierten Brandprüfung des Produkts (EG-Baumusterprüfung → Modul B) sowie die regelmäßige Überwachung der Qualitätssicherungsverfahren am Produktionsstandort durch eine zugelassene Zertifizierungsstelle (→ Modul D) Träger des Steuerrads ist IMO, International Maritime Organisation, eine Unterorganisation der UNO.
French VOC logo
Since 2012 in France, building products have needed to be classified based on their emission levels and labelled with the emissions classes A+, A, B, or C, whereby A+ is the best emissions class and C is the poorest. This labelling obligation applies for all building products that are processed indoors on an ongoing basis. The manufacturer categorises their product into one of the four emissions classes based on a defined product emissions test.
Das M1-Label für besonders emissionsarme Produkte wird von der Building Information Foundation RTS (Helsinki, Finnland) vergeben und ist vor allem im skandinavischen Raum weit verbreitet. Auch für dieses Emissionszeichen ist eine Emissionsprüfung durchzuführen, anders jedoch als bei den meisten Emissionsprüfungen wird das Produkt hier zusätzlich noch einer Geruchsprüfung unterzogen.
Um das Planen nachhaltiger Gebäude zu erleichtern, hat die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen den DGNB-Navigator entwickelt. Die kostenlose Online-Datenbank stellt die erforderlichen Informationen über nachhaltige Bauprodukte gebündelt bereit. Ohne großen Rechercheaufwand liefern die hinterlegten Daten zu diesen Verlegewerkstoffen Architekten und Planern umfassende Informationen, die passend zu den rund 50 DGNB-Kriterien aufbereitet wurden. Produkte, die über eine vollständige Ökobilanz verfügen, sind zusätzlich mit dem DGNB-Navigator-Label ausgezeichnet. Wird der Registrierungscode, der sich auf dem Navigator-Label befindet, auf der Startseite des DGNB-Navigators eingegeben, gelangt man direkt zur Produktseite.
Environmental product declarations (EPD)
Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) are documents inspected by independent third parties, which state the environmental impacts of a product throughout its life cycle. They also contain information about emissions behaviour and fire resistance, among other things. The symbol is awarded by the German Institute for Construction and Environment.